Gesundheitsberufe Hamburg

Health Management

Who offers this course?

Zentrum für Weiterbildung (ZFW) Universität Hamburg


1.5 years (three semesters) Studies in person, then two semesters for the master’s thesis

State recognition


Type of study

University studiesExtra-occupational university studies


Qualification on completion

MBA Health Management

What is the content of the course of studies?

Part I – introduction to the course
Part II – kickoff: Creating a beginning
Part III – management and decision
Courses include: Health economics; corporate ethics; methods of empirical economic and social research; organisation; public health and health systems; company management; HR management; legal aspects of healthcare; quality management in the health sector; external operational information; accounting; internal business information, cost management; controlling; financial and investment management; service marketing in the health sector; cooperative project management – setting up, managing and completing the work in project groups.

Where can I find employment later on?

The MBA course is aimed mainly at graduates who are employed in institutions, government agencies and companies in the health, but also the social area. These include: medical facilities and businesses (e.g. hospitals, rehabilitation clinics), larger group practices, institutions and enterprises of inpatient and outpatient care, health and social services, health and nursing care insurance, social facilities (e.g. heads of welfare centres), associations, pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers.

In what fields/subject areas can I work?

Developing leadership skills; taking staff responsibility (also see course content).

What are the entry requirements?

  • In order to be able to participate in the MBA Health Management course, you must meet the following requirements: Proof of a first professional degree at the University of Hamburg or another university with 210 credit points (CP) and practical job experience (usually not less than one year) following the degree and successful participation in the selection process.

What costs will I incur as part of my studies?

Total tuition fee € 14,900.00 plus a semester fee of currently € 335.00 (summer term 2022)

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Gesundheitsberufe Hamburg

Health and social management

Who offers this course?

HFH Hamburger Fern-Hochschule /
FOM Die Hochschule für Berufstätige


7 Semester

State recognition


Type of study

Pure university studies – distance learning


The course is divided into key management tasks for content and provides basic qualifications in management, business administration, related sciences, management and occupational fields. Specialisations are offered in the fields of children, youth, the elderly, people with immigrant background and people with disabilities.

Qualification on completion

Bachelor of Arts

What is the content of the course of studies?

The study contents are lectures on scientific work, basic principles of leadership and management, general business studies, psychology, introduction to the health system and health sciences, quality management, work science, general law, coordination and organisation of tasks, introduction to social work and social work science, project management, accountancy, self-management, health and social policy, human resources management, investment management, financing, controlling, empirical methods, health and social policy, special business, sociology, HR leadership, outpatient and inpatient care, organisation management, integrated management, dealing with media and knowledge.

Where can I find employment later on?

In addition, there are a number of other areas where graduates can apply, such as kindergartens, youth centres, leisure facilities, ambulatory healthcare and care centres, hospitals, retirement homes, sanatoria, health insurance and care, companies, associations and social insurance funding organisations.

In what fields/subject areas can I work?

Graduates can find positions in larger institutions of social and health services for the coordination of special services, work in human resource development, QA in workplace design, planning and management of education and training, or as middle-management executives.

What are the entry requirements?

  • General higher education entrance qualification, advanced technical college certificate, or completed training and three years professional activity.

What costs will I incur as part of my studies?

€ 270 per month/ € 11.340 total plus examination fee for the final thesis 490 €

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Gesundheitsberufe Hamburg

Healthcare Professions (M. A.)

Who offers this course?

DIPLOMA Hochschule Fachbereich Gesundheit & Soziales


5 semesters

State recognition


Type of study

University studies


Can be studied part-time.

Qualification on completion

Master of Arts

What is the content of the course of studies?

The course deals with empirical research, qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, evidence-based therapy, communication and management ability, project management and organisational development as well as innovation management.

Students have a choice of elective modules. These are health management (hospital management and quality assurance, management in healthcare and care contexts, human resource development in the health sector), neuroprosthetics and hand rehabilitation.

Where can I find employment later on?

Research, advanced management, company management (own practice, clinic), education and training, certification, quality management, rehabilitation, health promotion.

In what fields/subject areas can I work?

Graduates can find employment in scientific studies, in management, leadership, in care centres, rehabilitation clinics, quality management, the systematisation of evidence-based actions in healthcare facilities, in concepts in hand therapy and neuroprosthetics and in education and training in the health sector.

What are the entry requirements?

  • University degree with Bachelor or Diploma (180 credit points according to ECTS, corresponding proof required) and a final grade of at least “satisfactory” in the fields of: Health sciences, therapy sciences, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, geriatric care or health and nursing care (or others on request).

What costs will I incur as part of my studies?

€ 297.- per month, € 9,895.- in total (including examination fee of € 985.-). By waiving the mailing of printed study materials, a reduced tuition fee is granted for this degree programme. The standard monthly tuition fee is reduced by € 10.- in this case. Free extension of study to four semesters is possible.

Gesundheitsberufe Hamburg

Pharmaceutical commercial clerk

Gesundheitliche Ausbildung
Location of the training provider



3 years

State recognition


Type of training/education

Dual training: Academic and practical


The training lasts 3 years and includes academic classroom portions as well as practical portions through the training organisation.


Compensation is paid for the practical portion, but not for the school portion.

What are my activities in this job?

The core duties of pharmaceutical-commercial clerks are the commercial and organisational aspects of the pharmacy. Knowledge and skills in merchandise management, stocking and pricing, warehousing etc. as well as processing of invoices and computer skills are taught. Trainees are provided with information on the manufacture, testing and supply of medicinal products. The duties of a pharmaceutical-commercial clerk include giving advice on common pharmaceutical goods such as cosmetics and wound dressings. Advice regarding medicinal products and their dispensation, however, is left to pharmacists and pharmaceutical-technical assistants.

Where can I work?

Due to their pharmaceutical and commercial training, pharmaceutical-commercial clerks work primarily for public chemists/pharmacies but also for hospital chemists/pharmacies, in the wholesale pharmaceutical industry, commercial pharmacies or for administration and government agencies.

What requirements must I meet?

  • First general education school leaving certificate is an advantage.
  • Pharmaceutical-commercial clerks are a state-recognised trained occupation that has no legally mandated schooling requirements for entrance to the training & education programme. The contents of the programme, however, build upon the basic secondary schooation and government agencies.
  • A good general education as well as good knowledge of German, mathematics and the natural sciences are prerequisites.
  • Pharmaceutical and commercial interest are just as important as diligence, reliability and the ability to work in a team.

How much will the training cost?

There are no costs.

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Gesundheitsberufe Hamburg

Healthcare management assistant

Gesundheitliche Ausbildung
Location of the training provider



3 years

State recognition


Type of training/education

Dual training: Academic and practical


The training and education can also be accomplished as a conversion following a previous course and is typically shortened to two years in this case.

Training allowance

A training wage is paid that increases for each year of training.

What are my activities in this job?

Healthcare management assistants plan and organize business and service processes and act on the basis of social and health laws. In addition, they are responsible for customer service. They collect and record patient data and issue invoices, e.g. to health insurance providers. They can also work in internal finance and accounting as well as in commercial human resources management.

Where can I work?

Healthcare management assistants are employed primarily by health insurance providers, hospitals, pension and rehabilitation institutions, medical practices, medical laboratories, emergency services, elderly nursing homes, outpatient elderly care and outpatient nursing.

What requirements must I meet?

  • General higher education entrance qualification/ entrance qualification for studies at universities of applied sciences
  • Intermediate school leaving certificate with good to very good grades in maths, German and economics
  • Commercial thinking skills
  • Empathy in dealing with customers and patients and patients.

How much will the training cost?

There are no costs.

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