Nurse for the disabled
Location of the training provider
3 years
State recognition
Type of training/education
Academic and practical
This training & education course lasts for three years, comprising 2,940 hours of schooling. The training includes two placements..
Training allowance
No remuneration is paid during the school training course. A funding via BAföG is possible under certain conditions.
What are my activities in this job?
Nurses for the disabled support the everyday needs of people with physical, psychological or mental disabilities and promote the independence of their patients. In addition, nurses for the disabled motivate their patients to structure their leisure time in such a manner that will promote the development of their personality. Nurses for the disabled support bedridden patients with personal hygiene, eating and taking medications.

Qualification: Nurse for the disabled
Where can I work?
Nurses for the disabled find jobs in assisted living facilities and daytime care centres as well as in workshops for the disabled.
What requirements must I meet?
- General university entrance qualification or advanced technical college certificate and one year of experience in the healthcare sector or
- Intermediate school certificate and completion of at least two years of training or
- Intermediate school certificate and four years of work experience.
How much will the training cost?
Subject to certain costs, such as school fees or admission/examination fees. The practical portion of the training may be remunerated.