Emergency medical technician
Location of the training provider
The academic training lasts three to nine months
State recognition
Type of training/education
Dual training: Academic and practical
Even after training & education is completed, further education sessions must be attended regularly in order to maintain up-to-date knowledge and skills
No remuneration is paid during the school training course.
What are my activities in this job?
Emergency medical technicians provide first aid at the scene of an emergency under the supervision of a paramedic. They support the paramedic until the emergency doctor arrives. They also transport the victim under professional care to the hospital. Then they disinfect the ambulance and prepare it for its next emergency callout.
During patient transport, technicians monitor the bodily functions of the patient and restore them as necessary. They are also responsible for transport certificates, incident reports and documentation of the callout. Emergency medical techician also receive and coordinate emergency calls at the office.

QUALIFICATION: Emergency medical technician
Where can I work?
Emergency medical technicians work primarily in hospitals, mainly as part of the ambulance service or the emergency services. Emergency medical technicians can also work for blood donation services, city fire departments, disaster aid organisations, and local rescue services.
What requirements must I meet?
- First general school leaving certificate or
- Completion of ten years of education beyond the first general education school leaving certificate
- If a two year education & training course has been completed
- General medical fitness, minimum age 18 years
How much will the training cost?
Subject to certain costs, such as school fees or admission/examination fees.