Gesundheitsberufe Hamburg


Who offers this course?

HAW Hamburg


6 semesters

State recognition


Type of study

University studies


The programme ends after six semesters with a 16-week internship and the writing of the Bachelor’s thesis.

Qualification on completion

Bachelor of Science

What is the content of the course of studies?

The course offers lectures on scientific, technical and social science fundamentals, nutritional physiology, e-counselling, food science, community care, sensor technology and nutritional education. It enables students to design and implement nutritional counselling and educational services for healthy and affected people, and to develop and evaluate food, equipment and manufacturing processes.

Where can I find employment later on?

Hospitals, health insurance companies, geriatric care institutions, group catering businesses, medical practices, independent health advice and education, government agencies, ministries, food producers.

In what fields/subject areas can I work?

Graduates work in research, product development, nutritional and consumer advice, occupational health promotion, quality management, occupational health and safety, group catering and nutritional education.

What are the entry requirements?

  • General higher education entrance qualification (Hochschulreife), advanced technical college certificate (Fachhochschulreife).

What costs will I incur as part of my studies?

Semester fee, currently € 340.40 (summer term 2022).