Gesundheitsberufe Hamburg

Occupational therapist

Gesundheitliche Ausbildung
Location of the training provider



3 years

State recognition


Type of training/education



Training allowance

No remuneration is paid during the school training course. A funding via BAföG is possible under certain conditions.

What are my activities in this job?

Occupational therapists assist patients as prescribed by a doctor, with deficiencies in motor control, sensory organs or mental and psychological abilities, e.g. after a stroke, in order to support and strengthen patients for everyday life and/or their professional activities. Artistic and artisanal activities are often used (e.g. soapstone carving) in order to stimulate bodily and sensory functions. Occupational therapists also prepare individually customised treatment plans.

Where can I work?

Occupational therapists work in hospitals, rehabilitation centres, psychiatric facilities, elderly nursing homes, daytime and assisted living facilities for people with disabilities, educational facilities such as special schools and occupational therapy practices.

What requirements must I meet?

  • Secondary school certificate or
  • First general education school leaving certificate and a completed two-year course of training/education or
  • Successful completion of ten years of schooling that extends the first general education school leaving certificate.

How much will the training cost?

In some cases, costs are incurred, such as tuition fees or admission and examination fees.

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Gesundheitsberufe Hamburg

Nutritional assistant

Gesundheitliche Ausbildung
Location of the training provider



3 years

State recognition


Type of training/education

Academic education with theoretical and practical lessons.


Training allowance

Generally no remuneration is paid during the school training course. A funding via BAföG is possible under certain conditions.

What are my activities in this job?

Nutritional assistants work in the field of diet and nutritional consultation. They develop nutritional therapies for patients and support them in changing their eating habits. They are also responsible for food management, in that they monitor the preparation of nutritional therapy meals and guide/instruct staff.

Where can I work?

This work is done primarily at inpatient facilities. Nutritional assistants can also work for health insurance providers, medical practices and elderly care facilities or as independent consultants.

What requirements must I meet?

  • Secondary school certificate or
  • First general education school leaving certificate and a completed two-year course of training/education
  • Successful completion of ten years of schooling that extends the first general education school leaving certificate.

How much will the training cost?

Subject to certain costs, such as school fees or admission/examination fees.

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Gesundheitsberufe Hamburg


Gesundheitliche Ausbildung
Location of the training provider



3 years

State recognition


Type of training/education

Dual training: Academic and practical


Training allowance

A training wage is paid that increases for each year of training.

What are my activities in this job?

Opticians determine the visual capacity of their customers using eyesight tests, select appropriate eyeglass lenses according to eyesight and insert these into the frames/mounts. They then fit the new glasses to the head of the customer. In addition to glasses and contact lenses, other optical devices such as binoculars are also sold. Opticians advise their clients about the options and advantages of different visual aids. In the event of issues or complaints, opticians are responsible for making repairs. Commercial activities such as price calculation are also within the remit of the optician.

Where can I work?

Opticians work primarily for optometry practices.

What requirements must I meet?

  • Intermediate school-leaving certificate
  • A careful and precise way of working is an advantage.

How much will the training cost?

There are no costs.

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Gesundheitsberufe Hamburg

Anaesthesia technical assistant (ATA)

Gesundheitliche Ausbildung
Location of the training provider



3 years

State recognition


Type of training/education

Dual training: Academic and practical


1,600 training/education hours as well as 3,000 practical hours with the training organization.

Training allowance

Training allowances are often paid, the amount of which depends on the respective training company.

What are my activities in this job?

Anaesthesia technical assistants are responsible for the preparation, monitoring and follow-up care before, during and after the administration of anaesthesia. They are also an important contact person for patient questions regarding anaesthesia. They are involved in the complete process, from the introduction of anesthesia to the recovery of the patient in the recovery room. During anaesthesia, they monitor breathing and circulation. ATAs are also responsible for the repair and replacement of anaesthetic supplies and medical equipment.

Where can I work?

The field is diverse and there are jobs in hospitals or medical facilities, e.g. in abdominal surgery, traumatology or orthopaedics, gynaecology/labour/urology, vascular surgery, eye surgery, throat-nose-ear, thoracic surgery, neurosurgery, outpatient operations, outpatient/emergency admission, pain therapy, endoscopy, and operating assistants.

What requirements must I meet?

  • A-levels or vocational baccalaureate
  • Secondary school certificate
  • First general education school-leaving certificate and a completed two-year course of training/education
  • Successful completion of ten years of schooling that extends the first general education school-leaving certificate; other general schooling.
  • General medical fitness
  • If applicable, an internship before the training

How much will the training cost?

In some cases, costs such as school fees or admission and examination fees.

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Gesundheitsberufe Hamburg

Emergency paramedic

Gesundheitliche Ausbildung
Location of the training provider



3 years

State recognition


Type of training/education

Academic and practical


The training & education programme lasts two years and includes 780 theoretical and practical hours, as well as 420 theoretical and practical units in a hospital. After the two-year training & education course, there is a one-year placement in the field oation and government agencies.

Training allowance

No remuneration is paid during the school training course. The professional traineeship is paid.

What are my activities in this job?

Emergency paramedics are responsible for first aid at the scene of an emergency, and independently lead immediate actions until the patient is seen by an emergency doctor. They then transport the affected under professional care to the hospital, disinfect the ambulance and prepare the ambulance for the next emergency callout. They are also responsible for transport certificates, incident reports and documentation of the callout. Paramedics also receive and coordinate emergency calls at the office. They assist in the medical emergency and acute care of patients and independently carry out measures ordered by a doctor for patients in an emergency.

QUALIFICATION: Emergency paramedic

Where can I work?

Emergency paramedics mostly work in hospitals, where they are primarily employed by ambulance and emergency services. Emergency paramedics can also work for blood donation services, city fire departments, disaster aid organisations and local rescue services.

What requirements must I meet?

  • Secondary school certificate or
  • Frst general education school leaving certificate and a completed two-year course of training/education or
  • Successful completion of ten years of schooling that extends the first general education school leaving certificate
  • General medical fitness; minimum age 18 years; no criminal record

How much will the training cost?

Subject to certain costs, such as school fees or admission/examination fees.

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Gesundheitsberufe Hamburg

Speech therapist

Gesundheitliche Ausbildung
Location of the training provider



3 years

State recognition


Type of training/education

Academic and practical


The training comprises 3,170 theoretical and practical hours at the vocational school and 1,230 practical hours in a hospital or laboratory.

Training allowance

A remuneration is paid during the training:

  • 1st year 1.065 euro
  • 2nd year 1.125 euro
  • 3rd year 1.222 euro

What are my activities in this job?

Speech therapists assess and treat deficiencies in language, speech, vocals, swallowing and hearing, if these are speech-related. They make diagnoses and provide treatment and consultation for patients and relatives.

Treatment is provided using speech therapy methods such as breathing and relaxation exercises. Speech therapists work closely together with doctors and administer treatment according to doctors’ orders.

QUALIFICATION: Speech therapist

Where can I work?

Speech therapists can work in specialised clinics for hearing, voice and language disorders, specialist ear, nose and throat practices, neurology, rehabilitation facilities and hospitals or can work on an independent basis.

What requirements must I meet?

  • General (or subject-related) university entrance qualification or
  • Secondary school certificate or
  • First general education school leaving certificate and a completed two-year course of training/ education

How much will the training cost?

Subject to certain costs, such as material or examination fees.

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Gesundheitsberufe Hamburg

Hearing aid acoustician

Gesundheitliche Ausbildung
Location of the training provider



3 years

State recognition


Type of training/education

Dual training: Academic and practical


Training allowance

A training wage is paid that increases for each year of training.

What are my activities in this job?

Thanks to highly sensitive electronics and sophisticated measuring methods, you succeed in compensating for damage or weaknesses in the sensitive sensory organ ear. You adjust hearing systems electro-acoustically and individually, because the degree of hearing loss and the needs of your customers are very different. To ensure that you hit the right note for everyone, you determine the hearing ability with the help of the most modern measuring technology. The highest level of craftsmanship and precision is also required when making earmoulds. You make each one to fit exactly, because the shape and the exact fit are crucial. You are familiar with computer programmes for fine-tuning hearing systems.

Your craftsmanship and technical perfection will lead you to success as a trained hearing care professional. Interpersonal contact is also an important aspect of your job. In personal consultations, you build trust with your customers by addressing their problems, showing empathy and providing them with competent advice. You need both technical and human sensitivity.

Where can I work?

Hearing aid acousticians work primarily for hearing aid acoustics practices.

What requirements must I meet?

  • Intermediate school-leaving certificate
  • A careful and precise manner of working is desirable
  • Manual dexterity
  • Empathy and sensitivity for dealing with customers

How much will the training cost?

There are no costs.

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