Gesundheitsberufe Hamburg

Social Work & Diaconia – (vocationally integrated)

Who offers this course?

Evangelische Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit & Diakonie

Type of study


Six to eight semesters (depending on prior qualifications)

State recognition


Type of study

University course (vocationally integrated!)


In addition to the B. A. it is possible to acquire diaconal competences and to complete the church’s exam, by assigning specific building blocks, which is the prerequisite to be ordained as a deacon.

Qualification on completion

Bachelor of Arts (B. A.) and state-approved Social Worker or Social Education Worker

What is the content of the course of studies?

The basic courses include the topics

  • “Basis of social work & diaconia”,
  • “Methods and plans of action in social work & diaconia”,
  • “Societal and institutional framework conditions for social work & diaconia” and
  • “Practice research”.

The course specialization in “Health” is structured in the modules

  • “Health and illness in contexts of life situations”,
  • “The health system”,
  • “Challenges and features of social work in relation to health” as well as
  • “Deepening in current theoretical and political discourses”.

Where can I find employment later on?

The course specialization in “Health” prepares you for working in different areas of the health system after having completed the studies. As a graduate you can also work and promote health in all areas of social work.

In what fields/subject areas can I work?

Opportunities can be found in fields such as:

  • Public healthcare
  • Assistance for disabled persons or reintegration
  • Geriatric care
  • Addiction help and counseling
  • Community/social psychiatry
  • Hospital work

What are the entry re

What are the entry requirements?

  • To qualify for the vocationally integrated bachelor degree in “Social Work & Diaconia” at the Ev. Hochschule the following requirements must be met:
    • General higher education entrance qualification and
    • Employment during the studies in the field of social work with at least half of the regular weekly working hoursand one of the following three options:
    1. Degree of vocational training in a relevant related field of social work or
    2. Degree of vocational training in a relevant field of social work and a minimum of two years of working experience in an approved field of social work (allows crediting of 30 credits) or
    3. Degree of vocational training and a minimum of two years of experience in an approved field of social work.

What costs will I incur as part of my studies?

€ 295.- per month semester tuition and approx.200 € semester fee per semester; one-time 150 € administration fee.

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Gesundheitsberufe Hamburg

Social Work

Who offers this course?

Hochschule Fresenius


6 semesters

State recognition


Type of study

University studies


A special feature of the course is the close interrelation between theory and practice. Experienced practitioners teach students at Fresenius University. Early on, very concrete work priorities are set; case studies are always reality-based and use examples from real life.

Qualification on completion

Bachelor of Arts

What is the content of the course of studies?

Important lesson contents include history, theories and fields of social work, integration and interculturalism, methods and techniques of social work, youth work, mental disorders and their development, social work with the elderly and the disabled. The acquisition of legal knowledge is also essential, especially the content of social security codes, so as to be able to inform the client about their social rights and to bring administrative and organizational activities closer together.
Overview of the structure of the course (priorities):
• 1st-2nd semester: Principles, theories, social contexts
• 3rd-4th semester: Application areas in social work
• 5th-6th semester: Link between theory and practice, bachelor’s thesis

Where can I find employment later on?

See professional subject areas.

In what fields/subject areas can I work?

The field of activity of the social worker is interdisciplinary and covers management tasks and development aids of all ages, right up to providing support and advice within different social structures. Possible fields of work are:
• Family counselling
• Socio-educational family assistance/work with the elderly
• Pre-school education, school social work, media education
• Adult education, help in parenting
• Child and youth services
• Addiction counselling
• Street work
• Help for migrants and refugees
• Probation services

What are the entry requirements?

  • General higher education entrance qualification (Hochschulreife), advanced technical college certificate (Fachhochschulreife)

What costs will I incur as part of my studies?

€ 545.- per month

Gesundheitsberufe Hamburg

Social & Health Management (MBA)

Who offers this course?

HAW Hamburg


5 semesters

State recognition


Type of study

University studies


Part-time interdisciplinary high practical relevance.

Qualification on completion

Master of Business Administration

What is the content of the course of studies?

The main focus of the MBA Social and Health Management course is the development of potential management and leadership skills, as well as communication and cooperation skills on the basis of personal experience. On a practical basis, the course has a multidisciplinary and inter-occupational approach. Many leadership and managerial responsibilities within the social and healthcare sector show parallels, even if the institutional context and the supply contract are different in each case. Topics from their own everyday work are analyzed, reflected on and conceptualized, and can be tested and implemented early on in professional practice in the form of new behavior patterns and approaches to problem-solving. Modules The composition of the modules is also geared towards the main functions and areas of activity of managers in social and healthcare facilities. Information on the 11 modules can be found on the website.

Where can I find employment later on?

Social and healthcare facilities, entitlement to promotion, career qualification for senior civil service.

In what fields/subject areas can I work?

Quality management, personnel management, research, organisational development, accounting, marketing, strategic alignment, occupational health promotion

What are the entry requirements?

  • A relevant bachelor’s or master’s degree with a minimum of 210 credit points (CPs), relevant master’s degree or diploma. Applicants with only 180 credit points must attain an additional 30 CPs.
  • Minimum two years of professional experience within education, social or healthcare sector, high school-leaving certificate, currently hold a management position within the education, social or healthcare sector or striving for a management position.

What costs will I incur as part of my studies?

€ 9,950 tuition fees plus semester fee , currently € 340.40 (summer term 2022).

Gesundheitsberufe Hamburg

Rescue Engineering

Who offers this course?

HAW Hamburg


7 semesters

State recognition


Type of study

University studies


The compulsory, profession-specific pre-study internship comprises 13 weeks. It is strongly recommended that it should be completed before the start of the course. However, this is not a prerequisite.

Qualification on completion

Bachelor of Engineering

What is the content of the course of studies?

In this interdisciplinary course, extensive knowledge is provided on all areas of the rescue services in addition to engineering scientific-technical, scientific, economic and social science content. Fire brigade and rescue technology contents are components of the course. The curriculum is composed of seven subjects that are broken down into the basic course (first year), subsequent studies (second year), and consolidation studies (third year). The sixth semester is a practical semester. Here, students are introduced to engineering-related activities from the professional field. The course is concluded with a dissertation.

Where can I find employment later on?

When selecting the main focus of medical engineering, for example, in research institutions, in private companies in the fields of medical technology, medical device technology and related disciplines.Emergency services, fire brigades, aid agencies, civil protection, consulting companies, hospitals, industrial companies, non-life insurers.

In what fields/subject areas can I work?

Possible fields of activity: Management in securing major events, leadership in fire and rescue services, expert and expert activities for health insurance companies, product development and service for manufacturing companies of equipment and procedures for emergency services as well as medical and safety technology, specialist journalism and public relations, management functions in international aid projects.

What are the entry requirements?

  • General higher education entrance qualification, advanced technical college certificate and three years professional activity.
  • It is very helpful to have a solid grounding and a lasting interest in subjects such as mathematics, physics, biology and chemistry at the start of the course. You should also have enthusiasm for technical solutions.

What costs will I incur as part of my studies?

Semester fee currently €340.40 (summer term 2022).

Gesundheitsberufe Hamburg

Public Health (MPH)

Who offers this course?

HAW Hamburg


3 semesters

State recognition


Type of study

University studies


The additional degree in European Master of Public Health can also be studied. HAW Hamburg has worldwide partner universities, where a stay abroad can be completed; an internship in another European country is mandatory for the EMPH.

Qualification on completion

Master of Public Health (MHP)

What is the content of the course of studies?

The Master’s course deals with the determinants of health from a global and interdisciplinary perspective. This teaches scientific and practical professional skills to improve the health of populations or groups. In ten modules, health economics and health policy in German, European and international public health will be introduced, epidemiology, health promotion in the family, community and occupational setting, as well as public health ethics, food and environment.

Where can I find employment later on?

The degree course provides a science-based qualification for independent planning and execution of surveys and analysis and interpretation of health-related information and data, development, implementation and evaluation of measures to change behavior and structural conditions for better health in individuals, groups and populations, management of projects and organizational units in administration or in the management of companies in health economics and health policy.

In what fields/subject areas can I work?

Typical professional fields of activity are the public health sector, health and safety at work, environmental and consumer protection, occupational and community health promotion, health monitoring and epidemiology, research and training for companies, government agencies, insurance companies, professional associations, organizations and institutions, as well as activities in health policy and international developmental cooperation.

What are the entry requirements?

  • Bachelor in Health Sciences, part of these fields or in related fields or after a completed degree with a minimum of 210 CP and one year of professional practice in the area of Public Health.
  • English (C1)

What costs will I incur as part of my studies?

€ 2,400 tuition fees per semester (€ 7,200.- in total) plus semester fee of currently € 340.40 (summer term 2022).

Gesundheitsberufe Hamburg

Psychology (M. Sc.)

Who offers this course?

Universität Hamburg


6 semesters

State recognition


Type of study

University studies


A minimum 12-week work placement required during the course.

Qualification on completion

Master of Science

What is the content of the course of studies?

The consecutive master’s course builds on the knowledge and skills acquired in the bachelor program. Students acquire in-depth expertise in psychological diagnostics and methodology as well as in the basics of psychology and its fields of application. Consolidation opportunities in Hamburg: ‘Cognitive (development) Neuroscience’, ‘Social, Developmental, and Personality Psychology’, ‘Psychology of Motivation’, ‘Clinical Psychology’, ‘Educational Psychology’, ‘Industrial and Organizational Psychology’.

Where can I find employment later on?

Psychologists work among others within scientific research, education and training, psychological counselling in the health, welfare and education sectors. They are also consultants in administration, business and industry. On completing the master’s course, graduates acquire the prerequisite to start doctoral studies or job-specific training (postgraduate training in psychotherapy for example).

In what fields/subject areas can I work?

See places of employment

What are the entry requirements?

  • Bachelor of Science in Psychology
  • Adequate knowledge in mathematical, natural sciences and a humanities way of thinking and working, as well as English language skills.

What costs will I incur as part of my studies?

Semester fee approx. € 335.- (summer term 2022)

Gesundheitsberufe Hamburg

Psychology (B. Sc.)

Who offers this course?

Universität Hamburg


6 semesters

State recognition


Type of study

University studies


At least a nine-week internship during the course of studies.

Qualification on completion

Bachelor of Science

What is the content of the course of studies?

The aim of scientific psychology is to describe and explain the experiences and behavior of people. The bachelor’s degree course provides students with the necessary expertise and the skills to survey the core research results of the subject and to apply basic scientific methods and findings as examples. Course content includes biological psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology, clinical psychology, industrial and organizational psychology, educational psychology.

Where can I find employment later on?

Psychologists work among others within scientific research, education and training, psychological counselling in the health, welfare and education sectors. They are also consultants in administration, business and industry. For most of these activities, a master’s degree in psychology (post-bachelor’s degree) is required, in particular also for training as a psychological psychotherapist.

In what fields/subject areas can I work?

See places of employment

What are the entry requirements?

  • General higher education entrance qualification (Hochschulreife), advanced technical college certificate (Fachhochschulreife).
  • Adequate knowledge in mathematical, natural sciences and a humanities way of thinking and working, as well as English language skills.

    Application deadline 01.06. to 15.07. Admission is always for the winter semester only.

What costs will I incur as part of my studies?

Semester fee approx. € 335.- (summer term 2022)

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Gesundheitsberufe Hamburg

Practice management

Who offers this course?

Zentrum für Weiterbildung (ZFW) Universität Hamburg


8 months (6 modules)

State recognition


Type of study

Extra-occupational further education


12 weekend seminars in approx. 8 months, a total of 226 hours of classroom teaching

Qualification on completion

University certificate as Practice Manager

What is the content of the course of studies?

Dealing with the economic issues and the organisation of outpatient healthcare companies; dealing with patients and strategic planning.

Where can I find employment later on?

Doctors’ practises, medical care centres, day clinics.

In what fields/subject areas can I work?

Medical assistant positions, commercial management, self-employed activities (consulting).

What are the entry requirements?

  • Completed vocational or university education.
  • In addition to the completed vocational or university education, a minimum of one year of professional healthcare.

What costs will I incur as part of my studies?

€ 2,550.- for all modules or individual modules can be booked (status July 2021, subject to change).

Gesundheitsberufe Hamburg


Who offers this course?

Universitätsklinikum Eppendorf (UKE)/ Hochschule 21


7 semesters

State recognition


Type of study

Dual course


The Physiotherapy DUAL degree program is offered by the Vocational School of Physiotherapy at the UKE Academy for Education and Careers in cooperation with hochschule 21 (hs21). DUAL means that the training to become a physiotherapist is integrated into the study program. With this seven-semester course of study, you receive a dual qualification:

  • After 3 years of training and a successful state examination, you will receive permission to use the professional title of physical therapist.
  • After the 7th semester you will acquire the academic degree Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.).

Qualification on completion

Bachelor of Science

What is the content of the course of studies?

In the study program Physiotherapy DUAL, much emphasis is placed on the interlocking of technical school and university content. The core objective of the training is the independent planning and implementation of therapy using physiotherapeutic techniques with regard to the objective of the treatment. Knowledge of methodology and didactics for instructing patients and for expanding social skills for constructive cooperation with members of other medical and social professions is imparted.

The following subjects are part of the training:

  •  Anatomy
  •  Physiology
  •  General pathology
  •  Special pathology
  •  Hygiene
  •  First aid and dressing techniques
  •  Applied physics and biomechanics
  •  Language and literature
  •  Psychology/ Pedagogy/ Sociology
  •  Prevention and Rehabilitation
  •  Training theory
  •  Theory of movement
  •  Physiotherapeutic diagnosis and examination techniques
  •  Physiotherapeutic treatment techniques
  •  Massage therapy
  •  Electro-, light- and radiation therapy
  •  Hydro-, balneo-, thermo- and inhalation therapy
  •  Professional, legal and governmental knowledge
  •  Methodical application of physiotherapy in medical specialties

Where can I find employment later on?

Advice and support for patients, leadership positions, health management, prevention, rehabilitation, therapy, quality assurance, science and research.

In what fields/subject areas can I work?

Patient counseling and care, leadership positions, health management, prevention, rehabilitation, therapy, quality assurance, science and research.

What are the entry requirements?

  • General higher education entrance qualification (Hochschulreife), advanced technical college certificate (Fachhochschulreife).
  • An interest in direct contact with sick and handicapped people, physical and mental readiness, a good sense of movement, manual dexterity, powers of observation, patience and empathy as well as social commitment, reliability and the ability to work in a team are required.

What costs will I incur as part of my studies?

Approx. € 340,40 (summer term 2022) including HVV ticket.Costs for teaching and learning materials, work clothing as well as travel expenses and excursions may be incurred to a minor extent.

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Gesundheitsberufe Hamburg


Who offers this course?

Universität Hamburg


8 semesters

State recognition


Type of study

University studies


In order to gain an insight into pharmaceutical practice in a pharmacy, hospital or industry during their studies, students complete an eight-week clinical traineeship (internship) during the semester break in their basic studies.

In the main study period, all students have the opportunity to form an individual study focus in an elective internship, in which they can work on current research topics under supervision.

After passing the second part of the pharmaceutical examination, the pharmacy studies are completed and the one-year practical training in a pharmacy, hospital or industry follows. After this stage, the training is completed with the Third Part of the Pharmaceutical Examination.

Qualification on completion

Second state examination

What is the content of the course of studies?

The study of pharmacy conveys all relevant pharmaceutical aspects and is a prerequisite for the profession of pharmacist. The main subjects of the course are pharmaceutical biology, pharmaceutical/medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutical technology/biopharmaceutical, pharmacology and toxicology and clinical pharmacology.

In the basic studies of pharmacy, the scientific fundamentals from the fields of biochemistry, biology, chemistry, mathematics, medicine and physics are taught.

In the main course, the focus is on the special disciplines of pharmaceutical biology, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical technology, pharmacology and clinical pharmacy. In addition, further basic knowledge is acquired, especially from the medical field.

Where can I find employment later on?

There is a very wide range of careers for pharmacists. Employers may be: public pharmacies (very common), hospital pharmacies, health insurance companies, supervisory authorities, regulatory agencies and the pharmaceutical industry. In the latter, the field of work is also very varied: including analytics/quality control and assurance, licensing, medical sciences and information, drug production and galenics, clinical research and development, drug development and synthesis.

In what fields/subject areas can I work?

Possible fields of work are in the traditional pharmacist fields of public and hospital pharmacies, as well as activities in administration and research (university or industry).

What are the entry requirements?

  • General higher education entrance qualification, advanced technical college certificate, vocational qualification and three years of professional activity, master, business administrator.
  • Since 2020, there has been a new admission procedure for the Pharmacy degree programme.
    For the first time, a natural science selection test (HAM-Nat) will be conducted, which is described in more detail on the UKE website.

What costs will I incur as part of my studies?

Semester fee: € 335.- (summer term 2022)